IPL Altaria vs GyaradosLeashe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leashe/art/IPL-Altaria-vs-Gyarados-170466298Leashe

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Daily Deviation

July 10, 2010
IPL VS LovelyEpidemic by ~Leashe is simply outstanding! Gyarados' presence and appearance leaves me in awe, completely afraid that it might notice us while we observe their fight! Fantastic! Suggested by ^Pyritie and `CookiemagiK
Featured by rydi1689
Leashe's avatar

IPL Altaria vs Gyarados



4th :iconpokemon-league: which is now :iconthe-ipl: battle, this time against the brave :iconlovelyepidemic:

Her Gyarados (River) against my Altaria (Kari) who just used dragon claw btw while dodging a bite from the big ol thing.

Yeah, I'd be angry if someone scratched up my face too.

Also, I thought this would go without saying, but I don't mind you guys posting this on sites and such, just either ask for my permission or link back to this or my profile page so that I can receive credit for my work.

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Image size
900x629px 370.84 KB
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HareTrinity's avatar

Lots of lovely stuff in your gallery, but this one still stands out! Love the colours. :nod: