LeakyLink on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leakylink/art/Royal-757733450LeakyLink

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LeakyLink's avatar




I want to start posting more jh gkjhbg
I've been drawing more than usual lately but I haven't uploaded any of it. I'm really trying to become active on here again. my commissions are open!! I want to add a new category for art like this drawing. more detailed drawings with a background. It's a work in progress, but let me know if you would be interested in something like that! ;v;

This is not my design!! If I can remember the creator I bought this design from I'll link it here in the description!
Image size
2800x3500px 4.2 MB
© 2018 - 2024 LeakyLink
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gulamasam's avatar
my blind ass thought the backgrounds were snowy mountains with rocks instead of scratching posts and cats. cant unsee it now
but i really like how you draw backgrounds!