We can make our lives sublimeLeafeo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leafeo/art/We-can-make-our-lives-sublime-610313041Leafeo

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Leafeo's avatar

We can make our lives sublime



Most of the great men in the world, if not all, were nobody before they became somebody to the world. Just like everyone else, they are another ordinary human. How did they become great figures then? Because at one point in their lives, they decided to utilize the most of the gifts they are given – yourself and your mind – and never gave up for what they strive for.

If you failed at your first attempt, then get up and try again. You will get knocked down a few times before you are successful, that’s how life is – if everything was so easy and simple, then everybody wouldn’t use their brain to think at all and be ungrateful for what they have. The important is – never ever give up. If our ancestors were capable of it, then we have the power to make a change, too.

Peace. Flower Love 

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animegirlmiyako's avatar
Whoaaa Slackjawed  This made me remember one awesome quote: "the master has failed more times than the student has even tried." I can never remember In search for answers  who said the quote but those are some wise words by someone very wise:nods:  At no point someone shall ever give up and should strive until they reach their goal.