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Le Parkour Community
82 Watchers34 Deviations

Le Parkour - Poem by Sally by le-parkour, literature

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Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio
Operating System: The Body
Personal Quote: Movement Can Be Art

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Le Parkour : L'art Du Deplacement
This is the Members Directory for :devle-parkour: club. Back to Main Journal If information listed is old or unlisted, PLEASE tell us!# :dev19mini91: Mini Age: 14 Location: England, UKA :devADLOTS: 'T' Age: 18 Location: AustraliaB :devbailedarla: Age: 14 Location: UK inactive:devblackseaninja: Ice Age: 18 Location: Odessa, Ukraine :devblazer-san: Age: 19 Location: Göteborg, SwedenC :devcubi: Age: 16 Location: ??D :devDarkpheonix: Age: 15 Location: ?? :devdodgewolfess: Age: 15 Location: York, England :devdistortedtruth: Nick Age: 15 Location: USE :devEmivalo666: Ema Age: 18 Location: Birmingham UkF :devfingerclickingood: Switch Age: 17 L...
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0 min read
So we told you to watch this space! Well, check this out: School sucks. Well, at least for me(KelticK), that's what's been keeping me busy. Dunno about Squirrel, I'll let him fill y'all in. Sorry for reviving this, then going inactive again. My winter break starts December 16, so I might be able to get more active then.In the meantime: >>Must Read Info Le-Parkour Members Directory This club has been reactivated by :icontin-can-man: & :iconKelticK:Please bear with us, the club is being reorganised, and Member's Directory is being updated and revamped. Watch This Space...
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Must Read Info

0 min read
:bulletred: Welcome to the one and only Parkour community on devART. If you do Parkour or have Parkour related artwork (eg. Photography) that you would like to contribute, then you can join._________________________________________________________________:bulletred: To join, send the club a note with the following information: Name: (dA Name) Parkour Name: Age: Location: (Eg: NY, USA; England, UK; etc) And make sure to devwatch :+devwatch: the club, to be added to the directory _________________________________________________________________:bulletred: How to Submit to the Club: 1) Submit the deviation on your own account 2) Send a n...
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Profile Comments 90

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hello traceurs, what this group still alive ??
howdy fellow traceurs.
This isn't the "one and only" Parkour community on dA, I have recently started the FreeRunners official group for both people that practice Parkour and Free Running... but nice work! =)
(Just thought I'd correct the "one and only" cause that is false representation)
Hello, I am the manager of a web page of parkour, I would like speaking with you on that. do you meet many people who does it?
our page is international so it has quite high level. simply you order me your video and the people are going to vote.el winner is going to be on our web page between the best parkour videos. Also very quickly you will be able to meet many people of every europa that does parkour and read last news. Are you interested in?
I love the flow, I fly on the streets and go with the wind. I LOVE PARKOOOOOOUUUUUURR!!!!
visiting your gallery very nice ¡¡
by parkour name do you mean another nickname or your real name?