Pinkie's IpodLazyPixel on DeviantArt

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LazyPixel's avatar

Pinkie's Ipod



Looked at a tutorial, listened to this sexy music. This is the result.
Pinkie Pie silhouette is taken from this vector I made
Approximate time 2 hours
Wallpaper made in Photoshop
[link] shirt
If you want to feature this on another site then i'd appreciate it if you would link it back to this page.
:iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz: :iconnoncommercial1plz::iconnoncommercial2plz:
MLP:Fim is copyright to Hasbro, DHX and Lauren Faust

iPod series I guess?
Image size
1920x1080px 3.06 MB
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tanigeala's avatar
Hey LazyPixel~ I really appreciate this pic you've made and I want to put this pic in my video~ I'll post a link at the end of video and in its info on the website! Reaaaally appreciated~
I'll definitely not use the pic in any commercial area.
And also thanks in advance!