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  • Oct 21
  • Deviant for 12 years
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Plz account by :iconarasol:


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:iconcryforeverplz::iconsaysplz: o noez!!!111!!111oneone i-i-i-it's-!
:iconspodermanplz::iconsaysplz: its spoderman
:iconmother-of-godplz::iconsaysplz: get outta hea will ya1?!!/!1?! im tryna b dramatick
:iconspodermanplz::iconsaysplz: o ur no fun
:iconcryforeverplz::iconsaysplz: AHEM...  i-it's--!
:iconover9000-plz::iconsaysplz: IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!
:iconfliptableplz::iconsaysplz: o fuk dis sheet i quit
:iconspodermanplz::iconsaysplz: o dont b an fagit
Hey Sexy :iconlazeplz:
I see that your actually reading this :iconlazywaveplz:
Now let's chat :iconnipplelazeplz:
I'm one sexy cat named Laze :iconlazeflirtplz:

If you've been around on many laze accounts...:iconlazyallofusplz::iconlazyallofusplz:
you would know that this is a new laze-attack :iconbunnylazeplz:

LAZE PART 2, BABY :iconprettylazeplz:

So welcome back to my lazylove :iconaurora-1990:
How are you, bby? :iconlazyroseplz:
I've been missing you :iconlazepoolplz:
Here's a poem I made for you :iconlazewaveplz:

fuck all those other cats:iconlazythrowplz::iconcatkickplz: :iconlazeoverkillplz:
u only need me  :iconlazymacho2plz:
never leave me  :iconlazyweepplz:
Can you promise me that you'll love me? :iconmy-llamatrade:
a lot, and not a little :iconlazerotateplz:
the thing is...:iconstandbylazeplz:
that...I'll always know that.. :iconlaze2plz:
you will always love me  :iconkawaiilazeplz:

Was that pretty for you? :iconcoollazeplz:
Now for some roleplay about our marriage life :iconlazycryheartplz:
:iconsaysplz: Ready for bed, babe? :iconlazyinviteplz:
and you gonna be like
:iconsaysplz: Of course I am :iconlazysmplz:
I'll be in charge tonight, but it'll cost ya :iconbralazeplz:
Was that a sexy image in your head?
How embarrasing :iconlazyblushplz::iconlazyblush2plz: tehehehe<33

:iconangrylazeplz: Now I have a question :iconangrylazeplz:
Why are you still reading this  :iconlazypoolplz:
You don't want to be :iconrudelazeplz:?
OR :iconlazyshyplz:
DO YOU LOVE ME :iconlazyrainbowplz:

Mindfuck? :iconlazysurfplz:
At least you don't have to go around looking for somethin to say :iconlazingplz:
This is tiring  :icontoolazyplz:
Love you bby :iconlazeflirtplz:
Don't fall for those copy-cats :iconlazyyaranaikaplz: :iconlazyflipplz:

:iconlazywaveplz: ByeBye Babe<33 :iconrazycryplz:
Hey Sexy :iconlazeplz:
I see that your actually reading this :iconlazywaveplz:
Now let's chat :iconnipplelazeplz:
I'm one sexy cat named Laze :iconlazeflirtplz:
One day, we'll get married :iconlazewaveplz:
We'll be like:
:iconsaysplz: Ready for bed, babe? :iconlazyinviteplz:
and you gonna be like
:iconsaysplz: Of course I am :iconlazysmplz:
Was that a sexy image in your head?
Draw me like one of your French Girls :iconlazeplz:
I feel so sexy :iconsexylazeplz:
I'll be in charge tonight, but it'll cost ya :iconbralazeplz:

You're still reading this? :iconlazycryplz:
...I love them...:heart:!

Sexy, flirty and horny

:iconlazyinviteplz: :iconsexylazeplz: :iconnipplelazeplz: :iconbralazeplz: :iconlazeplz: :iconlaze-rplz: :iconlazesexyplz: :iconlazyshyplz: :iconlazeflirtplz: :iconlazysmplz: :iconlazymachoplz: :iconlazymacho2plz: :iconmachozoomplz: :iconlazyroseplz: :icondeejay-alien:

Bloody, scary and dreary

:iconlazycryplz: :iconlazykickplz: :iconlazyweepplz: :iconshotcatplz: :iconlazyshadowedplz: :iconlazygallowplz: :iconlazydieplz: :iconcatkickplz: :iconlazybleedplz: :iconlazeoverkillplz: :iconlazyraveplz: :iconlazybloodplz: :iconlazepoolplz: :iconlazystabplz:

Lazy, lazy and laaazy

:iconlazywaveplz: :iconlazewaveplz: :icontoolazyplz: :iconlazingplz: :iconlazyflipplz: :iconlazyrollplz: :iconlazyposeplz: :iconbenchlazeplz: :iconcoollazeplz: :iconthatguyinpants: :iconlazysulkplz:

P.S.: If you know some Lazy Cats which I don't know, please, tell me about them and I'll be very glad. (: Thanks.

P.P.S.: If you're a LAZE-PLZ-ACCOUNT maker, please, make MOAR SEXY cats, cause they're the funniest things evar. That's enough BLOODY cats already. Thanks.

LAZE STAMP: [link]

With love, your Flapper Laze
=DeeJay-Alien :icondeejay-alien: