You know I used to think we were all lucky to not live in the early or middle part of the 20th century. We were not alive to experience the two World Wars. In truth though, it seems that wars, violence and hate are with us all the time. The terrorist attacks in Belgium are the latest example of a hate war using indiscriminate violence against ordinary people going about their normal daily business. Where ever you live in the world, Belgium, Paris, Turkey, Madrid, New York, London.....................anywhere, you can't help but be affected by the tragedies that keep unfolding. It fills me with sadness.
If you were to visit this planet as a stranger you could be forgiven for thinking that, due to the actions of a minority, this is an ugly world full of loathing and suspicion and hate. This is not the case though.
It strengthens my resolve to find beauty in this world. I spend my life looking for beauty, love and compassion. It is what I have done all my life so far and it is what I will continue to do.
Light must always conquer dark and Love must always conquer Hate. We must have hope and optimism for without these we have nothing but despair. The evil must not win.
I have met so many people here who prove to me, on a daily basis, that there is much love in the world. There is love, hope, compassion for one's fellow man/woman, tenderness, passion, creativity and happiness. I find all of that and more from my friends here at dA. We all live in this world, in various countries, and we all share this common love of art in the first place. Then we find people who become important and close to us. The feeling of community amongst my friends here is not something I was expecting from dA. I thought it would be a place I showed my pictures and maybe some people would like them. I did not expect to make such close friendships. I did not expect my heart to be touched by some of the most amazing, wonderful and loving people I have ever met anywhere. You people really show me what being here on this planet can be about.

I find that in sad times I get sentimental. I have had my own sad times to deal with recently and this all gets put into perspective by the recent tragedies in Brussels. We all have our own battles in life though and we have to find our own way forward. That is the only direction to go though. Forward. I am so happy to have you all beside me as I make my own way in my life in this troubled world.

So I don't want this to be end on a sad note. Easter is a time for celebration in the Christian faith. If you don't celebrate Easter then please, pray for peace in your own way. If you do celebrate Easter then also pray for peace.
I will be out there with my camera trying to capture the beauty I can find in the world to share with you. I hope you will enjoy my travels and feel the love I have for this planet and nature from my humble pictures. I thank you for each and every favourite and comment. I will always reply to a comment as I love that you have taken the time to write

And now I would like to share some art with you. All of these pieces of art have been made by amazing people and I'm sure they would love to hear from you if you like what they have created. Please, if you have time, let them know. Thank you very much for reading this

You know what? I feel better already just for looking through your wonderful pictures

Thank you for reading this and remember, spread the love. Keep creating, keep loving and keep your passion. Long for peace.