LaurenW24 on DeviantArt

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LaurenW24's avatar

Mitsume Temo -Painting-



Mitsume Temo and the Round Earth Committee [link]

Close-ups - [link]

This is a fanart/gift for :icontakisse:

I worked on this one for nearly 11 hours! Thats the longest I've worked on a painting, and i think it really shows!!

I love how this came out! The eyes especially! :) I made them slightly larger than in the photo to give her a more anime look ^^ The skin looks soo realistic this time, its kind of weirding me out >.<

I'm still not happy with how the hair comes out, thats my one area that needs improvement :p

Time - 11 hours in photoshop cs3 with a wacom tablet
Reference - [link]
Image size
1822x2750px 1.54 MB
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ChopperJ's avatar
That skin is deathly realistic.
And I do agree, the hair looks really stiff. Maybe this could be achieved by quicker and more random strokes? And in the picture the hair looks lighter.
Those eyes are amazing :faint: