LauraZel's avatar


Laura Carboni (I worship Tezuka)
98 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • Italy
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (114)
My Bio

I'm so shy, my friends...
I love to draw and I'm a professional: I worked for Winx Club comic and now I'm working on Pixies Comic because I need more time to draw my own projects (and more time for my Hubby and my Home and my Parrots!)
I'm italian and I live in South Italy... I adore Pizza and all the vegetables, cooked or not! When I'm in a foreign country, I adore to taste their dishes and to experience the place like a common citizen of that country! I'm not fond of the turist' behaviour, I like more to be overwelmed from the new place and to become part of it!

I LIKE tolerant people (I love the idea that love is love in every form), to give and to receive respect because it's the base of the civility, people who fight for rights because innocents needs to be protected (animal and human)

I DISLIKE homophobes, who illtreats animals and children, who is not capable to respect life in every form, racists, sexists and so on...
So beware if you're like that because I BITE HARD! è_é

I ADORE Yaoi/Slash and if you don't, please don't harass me with your offensive homophobic words, thank you!
I'm sick tired to find homophobic insults on my page!
Grow up and get a life if you're tempted to insult me about that!
Thank you!

For my friends, I LOVE YOU!!!
Current Residence: Taranto
deviantWEAR sizing preference: L
Favourite genre of music: Classic, Electro Rock, PopRock, Electronic, Crossover, Chill-Out, J-rock
Favourite photographer: My Hubby, Ravensilver, Ninazdesign
Favourite style of art: No One In Particular, All In General
Operating System: WindowsXPSp2
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Shell of choice: Iron Man's Armour!
Wallpaper of choice: The Soloist
Skin of choice: My Hubby's Ones
Favourite cartoon character: BlackJack, Dr.Kiriko, Hakushaku, Kambei, Shichiroji, Atom, 004, 002
Personal Quote: We Make Our Own Fortune, Fantastic, Jeebuz

Favourite Visual Artist
Caravaggio, Klimt, Bosch, Turner, Tezuka, Xel, Kaoru Kobayakawa, Bikke
Favourite Movies
Sherlock Holmes, Seven, Iron Man, The Soloist, Paulie, Fight Club, The 6th Sense, etc
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Bjork, Police, Sting, Almamegretta, Subsonica, Linkin Park, Satie
Favourite Writers
Baudelaire, Verlaine, Wilde, Dickinson, Messina, Rowling, Conan Doyle
Favourite Games
Zelda, Mario-Kart, Tetris, Pac-man
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo WII
Tools of the Trade
Anything Suitable For Drawing
Other Interests
MyHubby, Yaoi, Ornithology, Slash, Comics, Manga, Anime, Cinema, Music
Lot of time is passed my dear friends, life is getting mad in a very bad way but as always we'll fight so, let's cross the fingers for a better tomorrow! I wish you all the best for this New Year, full of hope and good intentions! I send you all my positive thoughts!
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0 min read
My poor fList is full of Twilight! XD XD XD Thanks for the April Fools, DeviantArt. This one HURTS! LOL! XD (please don't hate me but I don't like Twilight! é_è)
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...If I'm absent most of the time... I swear I'll return on track with watches and favs and I take advantage of this journal to show you my gratitude for all the love you always demonstrate to me! *bows humbly* Just have patience with me, I'm terribly slow and depressed sometimes! I love you my friends, old and new... Yours Laura
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Profile Comments 3.6K

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Your art is great^^
I would like to ask if I can post some on my tumbr, with the link to your page of course ^^
Are you still active?
I have loved your art for many years, it occurred to me that I'm not watching you on here so I have to put that right ;)
Adoro il tuo tratto, specie in Isa & Bea e Winx! :heart:
Thank you for the fav :)
Can I ask what it was like to draw the Winx Club comics, and what sort of challenges it gave you as an artist?
Your works are
You art very talented^^