I'm so shy, my friends...
I love to draw and I'm a professional: I worked for Winx Club comic and now I'm working on Pixies Comic because I need more time to draw my own projects (and more time for my Hubby and my Home and my Parrots!)
I'm italian and I live in South Italy... I adore Pizza and all the vegetables, cooked or not! When I'm in a foreign country, I adore to taste their dishes and to experience the place like a common citizen of that country! I'm not fond of the turist' behaviour, I like more to be overwelmed from the new place and to become part of it!
I LIKE tolerant people (I love the idea that love is love in every form), to give and to receive respect because it's the base of the civility, people who fight for rights because innocents needs to be protected (animal and human)
I DISLIKE homophobes, who illtreats animals and children, who is not capable to respect life in every form, racists, sexists and so on...
So beware if you're like that because I BITE HARD! è_é
I ADORE Yaoi/Slash and if you don't, please don't harass me with your offensive homophobic words, thank you!
I'm sick tired to find homophobic insults on my page!
Grow up and get a life if you're tempted to insult me about that!
Thank you!
For my friends, I LOVE YOU!!!
Current Residence: Taranto
deviantWEAR sizing preference: L
Favourite genre of music: Classic, Electro Rock, PopRock, Electronic, Crossover, Chill-Out, J-rock
Favourite photographer: My Hubby, Ravensilver, Ninazdesign
Favourite style of art: No One In Particular, All In General
Operating System: WindowsXPSp2
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Shell of choice: Iron Man's Armour!
Wallpaper of choice: The Soloist
Skin of choice: My Hubby's Ones
Favourite cartoon character: BlackJack, Dr.Kiriko, Hakushaku, Kambei, Shichiroji, Atom, 004, 002
Personal Quote: We Make Our Own Fortune, Fantastic, Jeebuz