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Ode to Woodbrook



I swear one day I'm gonna walk in the bathroom and see this.

I have many epic roach stories since my stay here in Woodbrook. I've come to realise that they are very intelligent creatures .. a little toooo intelligent.

This one goes out to the Woodbrookians

If you feel me, put your Bop in the air
if you feel me, where your Baygon at

I come home, I lie down
It's been a long week
I suddenly hear
the little feet (little feet)

and in a flash
I'm dual wielding cans
listening for the sound
of little hands (little hands)

But I know you roach
I know how you move
I see you in the corner
cue flying shoe

the shoe missed
time for second phase
two cans emptied
on your face (little face)


and it twitches for a week mind you

I'll make up for this with some hot chicks, I promise

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