Kid Flash Symbollaughingdaredevil on DeviantArt

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Kid Flash Symbol



Honestly had no idea how to label this. Since I clearly don't know what I just did, just fooled around in photoshop.

I needed The YJ!Kid Flash symbol since I'm doing the costume and I've been planning on printing out an iron-on transfer. Also for when I make my fun Kid Flash gloves.

Couldn't find one that didn't bug me (Lawl, symbols constantly changing in animation) I just made one myself.

I suppose you could shrink it down and make an icon out of it if you wanted. Might make a stamp with it later.
Image size
294x319px 41.37 KB
© 2011 - 2025 laughingdaredevil
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Hi LDD, Really like your Kid Flash Symbol...fine work!! I'd like to use it for a writing course we are preparing for seniors, but is this OK with you? Thanks. Larry Ryan.