Pinkie PumpkinLateCustomer on DeviantArt

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Pinkie Pumpkin



:iconponies-for-everypony: A quickie to submit to the %Ponies-For-Everypony artist training ground. As such, critiques are welcome :D

After talking with *Bernd01 about inking practices, specifically how I spend a lot of time detailing and being precise in my line work, I decided to see what I could do with fast and free lines. I had to fight the urge to detail everything.

Update: Apparently ~cajobif wrote a short story based on just this image. It's in the comments below, but it's better if you check it out on his page and leave him a comment:
Image size
1650x1276px 430.04 KB
© 2013 - 2025 LateCustomer
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Blackfoxx777's avatar
Gah! I want it to be fall already! I'm sick of this damn heat.