Lakrits Visual Stylelassekongo83 on DeviantArt

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July 12, 2007
Lakrits Visual Style by ~lassekongo83 is a really smooth black theme, suitable for those long nights when browsing through deviantART. Check it out!
Featured by mauricioestrella
lassekongo83's avatar

Lakrits Visual Style



This may not be a very usable theme compared to my other ones. I would say that it's more of an experimental theme from my side. It's not a theme for those with darkened vision.

I've always wanted to create a dark theme like this, but many of my attempts so far have failed. I tried something different in this one.

Btw. The girl on that photo is: [link] ;)

The wallpaper is from: [link]

Emerald port: [link]

UPDATE: 3/12 - 2007
- Changed the startbutton.

UPDATE: 11/7 - 2007 (Special thanks to aMADme - [link] )
- Text color fixes in browsers like Firefox and Opera.
- Text color fixes in message boxes.
- Window colors are now the same as the rest and not white.
- Other minor fixes.

Any questions about Visual Styles? See my FAQ first!
maxtor2k's avatar
Good job, got tired of my old one and yours came just in time to give it a try ;) :)
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