Sherlock - PaintingLasse17 on DeviantArt

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Sherlock - Painting



Update: Fixed some problems with the hair and shadows + enabled download :)

I've decided to not include John in this painting just so that it would be easier for you to see how this came to be through my WIPs.. but I think I might make one with John too.. with sherlock or alone, not decided yet.. maybe both.. .. both is good xD

anyway =P Please comment
and here are the WIPs :aww::
Wip 1: [link]
Wip 2: [link]
Wip 3: [link]
Wip 4: [link]

Tumblr post: [link]
Tumblr post with all the WIPs too: [link] ^^

Made in photoshop with tablet
This is fan art
I don't own anything but the artwork
Image size
927x1325px 718.04 KB
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