Sherlock Holmes WIP 4Lasse17 on DeviantArt

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Lasse17's avatar

Sherlock Holmes WIP 4



Alright guys xD Sorry for bothering you all with this, but I hope that the few of you who was interested was able to kinda learn something from this WIPs, or at least had fun going with me through the process of making a painting in a few steps (without any explanations or help what so ever xD)
This will be the last WIP before I post the final result.
From now on when I post WIPs I'll post them straight to my scraps, which means unless you hit the watch button and tick of the "Scraps" you won't be botherd with messages when i post it there..

though when i start at a new "WIP series" I'll post the first WIP (probably the line art) as a "standard artwork" giving you a heads up that if you're interested, the rest will appear in my scraps in the next couple days ^^

**BTW, Should I include John in this painting? =P

Tumblr post (all the WIPs in one): [link]

WIP 1: [link]
WIP 2: [link]
WIP 3: [link]

Image size
927x1325px 285.73 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Lasse17
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Kasia-The-Artist's avatar
wow! his face looks so realistic! well done :)
Well if you want to draw John too why don't you? :D