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Eagle-Wolf Amoux



This is the 3rd assignment i had for my Image Manipulation class. Basically we could chose anything to work with as long as we encorporated at least 3 different pictures into one and we used at least 5 layers... this was a total of 26 layers and used 3 different photographs... i mainly worked with copying and pasting after selecting what i needed and transforming the images by rotating and placeing them. I then used the clone brush and the burn and blur tools at lighter opacities and exposure along with the eraser to touch it up... this is my first try at photo manipulation so i hope to improve as i learn more...

btw the pictures are of a Mexican wolf and Eagle wings. the individual feathers were taken from another eagle picture.

Edit: I like this guy alot and after lookn at him for like two days workn on this so... i decided I'm mak'n him a robot mode and no hes not gana be silverbolt lol! i havnt tried my hand at a beastie for a while so figure it be refreshing. :XD:
Image size
750x500px 345.2 KB
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Rahuto's avatar
Looks almost real but the wings are much to small;D