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Lariekoek's avatar
Hi everyone! <3

I know it's been a long while since my previous journal. But I have good reasons for it: I'm an exchange student in Japan! I have arrived here two months ago, on April the 2nd, and I have really settled down by now. I live in a dormitory, which is really ideal, especially considering the meals you can have downstairs, the free laundry and the comfortable rooms. We do have a curfew, but that's not hard to get around! :devil:

I commute to Rikkyo university almost every day. I have language classes that are supposed to fit my proficiency, and two academic courses in Japanese. I also have tutor lessons every week, and I joined two student groups: IFL (International Friendly Lunch, but by now it's turned into International FUNKY Lunch), and the Manga circle! :D I really wanted to hang out with the geeks again, and it's been a success up to now. We even have drawing 'classes' where everyone interested can join and learn from sempai! I thought it would be fun, but I didn't expect it to be as useful as it turned out to be. It's really amazing! So understandably, I REALLY want to draw more now and show the world what I've learned. ;) But it's difficult to do so, because I have no access to a scanner and I thought it would be impractical to bring/buy colouring supplies. So I have no way of finishing and uploading my drawings in a proper way! I have decided I want to buy a drawing tablet, even though I have tried using one before and was TERRIBLE at it. I'm sure I can learn how to handle one after practising for a few weeks, right? And I want to draw things so badly! I just don't know what kind of tablet to buy. But I will start hunting for one as soon as possible, both in stores and online. They gotta have something cheap and nice in Japan! If I can't find it here, where can I find one? ;P

That's kind of what I have been up to the last two months. I also bought the remaining manga of the Monster series I hadn't read yet, and I have finished the series now! I was absolutely amazed at it. It's quite dated, but it's still one of the best manga series I have ever read. I will start watching the anime as soon as I can. I can't get enough Kenzo, not to mention enough Johan! :faint: And everyone is reading or watching it here. The international students are quite nerdy as well!
Also, I'm rewatching the Flight of the Conchords. It's so damn cute (and AWESOME). I wish there was more of this show, and I also wish I had been smart enough to go and see them when they were in the Netherlands some time ago. I'm busy with a fanfic, obviously. Well actually, it's a fanfic I started writing years ago and I'm finally finishing it now. :XD: I would love to make fanart, in fact, I have made some, but with the scanning problems I talked about, it's kind of difficult to get it out there. Note to self: Buy that tablet!!!
And yes, I'm still flipping my shit over Daft Punk etc. Have you heard all the gossip about their new work? It's kind of driving me mad. WHAT IF THEY START TOURING AGAIN?! I'm not ready for it, I'm definitely not. Dammit, I need to draw!

Right, I'm going to fetch me some lunch in a moment and devour it, and then it's Rikkyo time again! I'll apply for another kanji test and have dinner at an Indian restaurant tonight, that actually has REAL curry. Not that I don't like the Japanese curry. I love both kinds! :drool:
See you later you lovely bunch :aww:
~ Larie

© 2012 - 2025 Lariekoek
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Gastly3's avatar
Japan! Whoa, it's so great! I know, it's very interesting to be an exchange student :)

Liked your adventure - maybe, you can tell me a bit more about Japan? How is there really, when you see everything with your on eyes?)

And...Manga circle, yeees :D As and otaku in past, I was very glad to read it, it must be really cool do draw manga in such a proper country :D