(I'm a fucking musical unicorn.)
I do what I like, and I make what I feel passionate about.
So in that respect, I am a fangirl, but I try to keep it reasonable!
Current Residence: Leiden
Favourite genre of music: I don't really like ONE genre. I like alternative pop, electronica, ambient, rock, hiphop... and more. Also flipping my shit over K-pop.
Favourite photographer: My aunt and Loezzy ^^
Favourite style of art: Do I have a style? You tell me
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Some heap of crap called DIFRNCE but hey, it has 8 GB
Favourite cartoon character: Tetsuo, Yotsuba, 2D, Cosmo, Ryuk, Kenzo Tenma, Lara Croft, Spirou
Personal Quote: Alle macht aan Toorts.