Often times when you think of people who are extremely popular, you usually won't make the assumption that they spend much time going out of their way to talk to everyone who drops by, or using their status to help others out or go out of their way for the little people at all. Or you see work of astounding caliber and assume they are old pros who have been working at it their whole life and have many many years behind them. Well, our deviousness Award Winner for February defies both those concepts. `larafairie is not only one of the most well known people on the site, but she has continually given back to the deviantART community at every step of the way, with guides, resources, friendly comments and gratitude.
On top of that, she has accomplished quite a bit for someone her age, from forging her own distinct style to running her own business. She serves as a great example that with drive and determination and loyalty to your audience you can achieve anything you set out to achieve. So, congratulations to you `larafairie and all you have done for this community!
happy belated birthday!