LandoComando's avatar


TJ Landers
62 Watchers70 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Brush Lover: Early DeviantArt muro brush adopter
My Bio

Hi my name is TJ. I work allot in 3D Studio Max and I have taken up doing 3d abstract art. Over time I'm hoping they get better. When I'm not in front of my computer or watching TV I do Parkour or hang out with my lovely GF.

Current Residence: Minneapolis MN
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite style of art: Abstract
Operating System: Windows
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Touch
Favourite cartoon character: Peter Griffin
Personal Quote: Im not psycho, Im just pathologically upbeat.

Favourite Games
All Halo Games, Mirrors Edge, Assassins Creed, Portal
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
My computer and my brain!
Other Interests
Parkour, 3d Art
"the point of this challenge is to test and improve your skill as an artist. After 100 pics who wouldn’t be better. Please forgive me if this in any way excludes you from taking the challenge.The rules1.) Make 100 pics each pic having a theme listed below. Each pic should have ONE and only ONE theme to it, for it to count.2.) No time limit so have fun3.) The main picture should be drawn but not limited to. for all fair purposes, people are allowed to use their paint programs and photo shop to create the pic.3a.) pics should be of own artistic ability. You may not edit photos, or break any other rules set out in the Da etiquette policy. You...
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New Artwork

0 min read
Hey anyone that actually watches my page and info right now. I've been slowly putting up some new stuff every once in a while but its been a while since my last journal entry. There isn't really anything too vitally important to put up here. I'm gonna be putting up 3 new renders here in a couple seconds once I'm done with this journal and perhaps one or two later today or this weekend.Also at some point when i get the time or just get bored enough i might be starting a youtube channel and doing some animations or just showing off some of the scenes that i made to make the stillshots you see on here.
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0 min read
Well if ive at least learned something from participating in this competition its that the use of HDRI images especially when using highly reflective materials definately makes everything stand out much better. It takes away the flat grey reflectance i tend to get without an environment map and helps define the contour of the model.
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Profile Comments 10

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thanks for the fave! :)
No problem, You have some really nice abstract work, what programs do you use?
most of the 3D stuff is done in mandelbulb3D. my earlier 2D stuff was done in UltraFractal.
interesting, two programs i havent heard of. I do all my work in a combination of 3ds max, Realflow 4 (liquids) and Endorphin (biped animation)
thx for the fave ;) :star:
No problem. Love the mountain scenery as well as the 3d work you do. I'm pretty bad with organics and character modeling myself.
Hi random deviant :P
Hope you are having a great time :aww:

Bye bye from Italy! :D