Harry Potter Bookmarks PreviewLamorien on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lamorien/art/Harry-Potter-Bookmarks-Preview-354176469Lamorien

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Harry Potter Bookmarks Preview



This lady who knows me too well commissioned me to do a series of Harry Potter bookmarks-one for each book (She's reading them to her daughter currently, and wants to commemorate it with the bookmarks, which she'll eventually frame altogether. Freaking cute, right?) Anyway. These probably don't need an explanation but I'm going to anyway!

1. Sorcerer's Stone: I chose Harry, of course, since the whole series is about him. He's got the snitch because this is the book where he finds out his magical powers/killer Quidditch skills, setting himself up for the whole series as a kid with uncanny abilities, even for wizards.
2. Chamber of Secrets: Ginny, holding Tom Riddle's diary. Pretty self-explanatory. This is also the book where Ginny comes in as another strong female character (besides Hermione), and sort of sets up the future romance of Harry and Ginny.
3. Prisoner of Azkaban: Ron and his rat. Obviously "Scabbers" ends up being much more than just Ron's pet rat.
4. Goblet of Fire: I drew Hermione in her dress from the Yule Ball, because I think this is the book where she really shines, not just as a force of knowledge, but as a force of femininity. I think this book is when she really strikes people as being a role model, more than just a know-it-all.
5. Order of the Phoenix: Voldy. Man, I do NOT do well with scary things. Well I guess it's going to a kid anyway, so...why scare them more than I have to? This is the point in the story where Voldemort's return can no longer be disputed.
6. Half-Blood Prince: Dumbledore, the guiding force for our young heroes, and Harry's mentor throughout the series. His role in this book is not only one of mentoring, but of action.
7. Deathly Hallows: I just had to go with Snape, as he finally redeems himself at the end of it all. <3

So there you have it! I was actually totes excited to do these, and will probably do some more HP fan art once I get all my commission work done :D
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2037x1691px 727.15 KB
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1/100 second
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Date Taken
Feb 14, 2012, 12:38:08 PM
© 2013 - 2025 Lamorien
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love-to-imagine's avatar
I thought hermione wore blue...I don know I read the book long time ago