LaLunatique on DeviantArt

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LaLunatique's avatar

STOCK - Standing Compilation 1



:bulletgreen: You may Download the full version of this image to your right.

Can be very helpful if you have to design a new character or create a character sheet :la:


Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow You must read the RULES before using the stock. It's important! Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow


It's stock pictures I did for the fun, I do not want critiques for them. But if you like them, please tell me. Thanks :)

Model ----) me LaLunatique
Photo by me... and a timer xD
Image size
1500x3564px 2.55 MB
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surakansara's avatar

So many opportunities here. I used a pose here for a character sheet.

Thank you!!

Sara character sheet (Kahdestaan)