Favourite Visual Artist
MieuChan, StavaEY, Linnea Holmström Ljung, wlop and many more : )
Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings and Alien series
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Reol/REOL, Billy Talent, Rise Against, Linkin Park, Seether, Skillet, Vocaloid (e.g. GUMI), ...
Favourite Books
Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Daniel & Esther, The Passage, White Horse, Another (the novel), ...
Favourite Writers
Laini Taylor, Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Yukito Ayatsuji, ...
Favourite Games
Tales of Abyss, Dark Souls series, Danganronpa series, Life is Strange, Portal series, Zero Escape series, ...
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, 3ds, Gamecube, Gameboy Advance, SNES