Propulsion Gel Fun- Portal 2LaggyCreations on DeviantArt

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Propulsion Gel Fun- Portal 2



EDIT: I was messing around with it, and realized I like it a lot better zoomed in a little. So I changed it. If anyone thinks it looks better the other way, feel free to comment.

Oh god full view for nice clean lines.

This is part of a series of drawings I've been working on, featuring Chell basically screwing around with Aperture equipment and showing signs of her minor case of severe brain damage.

I would so do this with Propulsion Gel. It's like a super awesome water slide with horrible debilitating and most likely deadly side effects.

Sketched this out, and then did the rest in Inkscape, a free vector program. Took a little longer than I thought it would, but no big deal. I really like how it turned out.

Also yay orange. <3

This is available as an 11x17 print in my Etsy shop.

Image size
2169x1404px 159.58 KB
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