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The Star Wars

Character  Luke SkywalkerCharacter  Han SoloCharacter  ChewbaccaLocation  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away


My friend, ace cartoonist Aaron Florian, asked me to do a couple pieces for a Star Wars show he’s curating in Victoria, BC. Here’s the second piece. It’s a sort-of ‘80s comic book-style poster for The Star Wars, which, in this alternative universe didn’t get made into a movie but instead went straight to comics with circa-1975 character/ship designs by Ralph McQuarrie and Colin Cantwell. The aesthetic here is as much inspired by comics as by arcade cabinet side-art, hence the big primaries in the background.

PRINTS AVAILABLE: 16x20", matte, $24 USD.
Image size
1375x1700px 991.11 KB
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Emerald-Wolf13's avatar

Sorta makes me think of some of the Choose Your Own Adventure cover art from the 80s.

But since you said it was inspired by video game cabinet art, I gotta say your Star Wars was clearly an Activision game with those stripes around it :lol: