
2 min read

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ladyyatexel's avatar
It's been like 800 years since I've made a real dA Journal Post, but here we are, I guess.  

Anyway, it's been slightly less than 800 years since I've uploaded anything here because I've been bleeding into my retina since March! :D  So I have to get an injection in the eye every month to reverse the giant gray blob it has formed in the center of my vision in my left eye and it uh, made making shit somewhat Difficult, as you might imagine.   Depth perception is a little janky, which has made traditional work more challenging.  I've also been doing a giant photo restoration job for my grandmother.  If you're interested in that, I post it on Tumblr, and sometimes also the Instagram account I was talked into getting.  

I'm not going anywhere, really, but it's not like I've been here much, or anyone else has, so, you know, business as usual, I guess.    I'm on Tumblr a lot.  Instagram's square format frustrates the fuck out of me, so it's sporadic at best there.   I also hang out on some JTHM Discord Channels because it will always be 2006 in my heart.  

I'm ladyyatexel every where, if you want to tag along, cool.  If not, I'm still here. 

Also never posted a journal that reSWAN was done, which it definitely was, uh...two? years ago?  So, yikes, there's that, in case you want to read about my favorite glitter and garbage children again.  
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