Drakengard 3 - Cent x ZeroLadyxZero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ladyxzero/art/Drakengard-3-Cent-x-Zero-524610482LadyxZero

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Drakengard 3 - Cent x Zero



Romantic disciple, hmph. Not my thing, but I think I won't whine about that...
Still better than kiddo or that masochist.

Cent is my fav apostle. What can I tell. Nothing. *smiles* 

myself as Zero from Drag-On Dragoon 3/Drakengard 3 Facebook page
:iconnarcisspuppet: as Cent (my lovely perfect disciple) from Drag-On Dragoon 3/Drakengard 3 Facebook page
:iconone-photographie: amazing photographer! //Lexa One Photographie on Facebook   :heart:

A big thanks to dear PhilipMessina  for all the references he provide. :hug: If you search for detailed ones, go to his gallery~

Please, do not use or modify without given permission.

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© 2015 - 2025 LadyxZero
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SvenCalBayan's avatar
I agree with what NarcissPuppet said.  You are gorgeous in his arms.  This is, IMO, your 2nd best shot of Zero.  My favorite, my #1, is on your Instagram page : www.instagram.com/p/7hGyz9oVcp…

You look EVIL...  in a good way.

You cosplay white haired characters well.

From what've I read, your planning on cosplaying Sice (FF Type-0).  Nice.  Would like to see that.

But what I would love to see you cosplay is Naomi Kimishima, a character from the video game "Trauma Team" :


Just a suggestion.

Keep up the good work.