Cmdr. Valkyria Shepard on Duty IILadyTenebraeTabris on DeviantArt

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LadyTenebraeTabris's avatar

Cmdr. Valkyria Shepard on Duty II



Commander Valkyria Shepard at gamescom 2012/Cologne/Germany.
Crafting that armor was... something.
It was nice wearing it, despite the hot weather. x.x The next one definitely needs thinner material.
What I really mean is, it is awesome being that wonderful heroine for one day or two. =D So let's take back earth. Now!

I: [link]
II: [link]
III: [link]
IV: [link]
V: [link]
VI + VII: [link]
VIII: [link]
IX: [link]
WIP: [link]

Photo taken by Michael Kuegler - Thank you so much!

femShep belongs to BioWare
Image size
696x464px 464.97 KB
© 2012 - 2024 LadyTenebraeTabris
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Punknouveau13's avatar
Omg I love this shot! It also makes a bit melancholy, since I couldn't go to Gamescom this year.
I'm thinking if I saw you I would inquire your ear off on how you did such an awesome job on your costume. X3