A Shockingly Scary Runway Chapter 2
My apologies for not posting in a while. I was going through the flu and I needed time to recover. Don't worry; I'm doing better today than I felt in the last few days.
Also, once again, a reminder for art commissioners and fake users to please stop bothering me with bogus deals or ideas where I've already made it clear that I do not do that. Otherwise, I'll be reporting and blocking you all. DeviantArt may be lazy on their job, but I'm not when fighting back against scamming idiots who have nothing better to do.
Now, back to the story.
At Lea's house, Tina had assembled her models; Lea, Amy, and Sylvie. And she has set up everything for the fashion show. Although, to the girls, it's going to feel like boot camp.
"All right, ladies. We got less than a week to prepare," Tina stated, explaining her plan in Lea's living room. "I already got the perfect theme idea for my clothing line that should take me three to four days to create. While I work on the dress designs, I'm