Deviation Actions
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Geno 1 - LadyPipen
Sex: Male
Species: Earth Pony
Body: Rainbow Road
Hair: Macaw
Secondary Hair: Mythical
Marking 1: Tropical
Marking 2: Night
- Banded
-Multi Horn
Physical Traits
-Non-Magical Horns
Geno 2 - OPEN
Sex: Female
Species: Reformed Changeling
Body: Sister Serenity
Hair: Fire and Ash
Secondary Hair: Apple
Marking 1: Fire and Ash
Marking 2: Jeweled
Shell: Sepia
- Leg Gradient
Physical Traits
-Short Horn
-Devil Tail
-Ear Wings
Geno 3 - Velnyx
Sex: Female
Species: Unicorn
Body: Toasted Marshmellow
Hair: Jeweled
Secondary Hair: Macaw
Marking 1: Blush
Marking 2: Sister Serenity
- Facemask
Physical Traits
Geno 4 - OPEN
Sex: Female
Species: Earth Pony
Body: Grayscale
Hair: Grayscale
Secondary Hair: Toasted Marshmellow
Marking 1: Cotton Candy
Marking 2: Blush
-Reverse Dapple
Physical Traits
-Short Horn
-Non-Magical Horns
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