
1 min read

Deviation Actions

ladyphantomofmusic's avatar
As I have said before I will do commisions. Fanart, logo's, and anything thats just a picture.

My art consicts of 2 back ground colors overlaped in different shapes (must be specified otherwise I will choose), and the main pic done in black with either oil or water color brush.


$15 - Original
       $2 - for any other colors/details in back.

$20 - Fan art
        $3 - for any other colors/details in back.

$25 - Origianl/Fanart with more then one item/figure in picture.
        $5 - for any other colors/details in back.

Here is a look at my Original Art: ladyphantomofmusic.deviantart.… and my Fan Art: ladyphantomofmusic.deviantart.…

All payments will be through Pay Pal.
© 2011 - 2024 ladyphantomofmusic
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Morloth88's avatar
It's round about what I take so. why not :shrug: