LadyOfTheDragons on DeviantArt

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LadyOfTheDragons's avatar

Tome Gustsoul



My second entry for Seventh Sanctum.

This laid-back male dragonling has beady, slit-pupiled eyes the color of burning flames. His luxurious, wavy, neck-length hair is the color of pine needles, and is worn in an impractical style. He has a thin build. His skin is nut-brown. His face has an inhumanly reptilian cast. He has thick horns on his forehead. He has prominent wings and a tail. His wardrobe is professional, with a lot of black.

i do realise if i didnt get the beady eyes and wavy hair right, i apologize.

i like him better than my first entry
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470x692px 46.05 KB
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puppydogchild's avatar
he almost looks hungry ._.