Hey. I'm Embyr, among other names, and this is my lovely little DA page. This time around, I'm actually going to put some effort into this "art" thing, and hopefully I'll actually improve over time...
As far as moods, I tend to swing between anxiety-ridden, dark and depressing, quiet reflection, and a bright "the world is nice to me, tra la la~♪♫♪" This may or may not be reflected by what I draw >.<
Favourite Movies
Push, Inception, Avatar
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Paramore, Evanescence, God is an Astronaut, Green Day
Favourite Books
The list is too long...maybe I should just take a picture of my bookshelf.
Favourite Writers
Myself- who else allows me to edit their books?
Favourite Games
Risk, Chess...wait, are we talking board games?
Other Interests
Running, sleeping, eating tasty food, learning things, anything creative/crafty, stalking internet forums