The Lost QueenLadyEru on DeviantArt

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The Lost Queen



Here we go! 

I posted a poll recently asking my watchers to pick my next painting subject from an array of my book characters. ^^ Saerell won (but it was a close poll!). 

I hoped to get this done and posted by Valentines day (the 14th), but due to work I simply didn't have the time. Oh well!

Saerell is a quiet but intelligent person. She has strength, poise, intuition, but also empathy. She is also the last surviving ruler of her people after the Fall of Vaelore... and it might be a while before she can get back again. ;) 

More pics of Saerell: (OMG I only have TWO??? I thought I'd given her more attention than that. x_x shame on me.)  

It's good being Queen by LadyEruThe Devoured by LadyEru

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675x900px 419.68 KB
© 2016 - 2025 LadyEru
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shannanapeels's avatar
I love the ghostly figure in the background!  I think she looks beautiful and queenly ^^