Pagan Holiday 3: SamhainLadyEru on DeviantArt

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Pagan Holiday 3: Samhain



Hello dear watchers!

Part 3 of an 8 piece project highlighting the major Pagan holidays of the year, and matching them up with characters from my book series Tales of the Fatherless.

Samhain is October 31-Nov1 (sunset to sunrise), and is also traditionally known as Halloween. 

On or around the 31st October in the northern hemisphere, 1st May in the southern, Samhain is the festival of the dead, a festival of remembrance and honouring of our dear departed friends and relations. It is said that at Samhain the veil that separates the worlds is at its thinnest. So our world, the world of Faerie, and that of the dead, blend as one. It is no wonder then that this night has become so wrapped in superstition. It is a night of wonder and magic.

Who better to play this part than DAEMRE? 

The main antagonist of the series Tales of the Fatherless, Daemre is (self-assigned) lord of both of the physical realms, the artist of the gap between, and the baddest, meanest dude to ever exist in either. x_x. 

He's also beautiful. Why not? 

The four characters rendered in stained glass on the bottom are : someone he fears, someone he desires, someone he admires, and someone he hates. ;) You can make your guesses. 

Linework in pen, Color and shading done in Photoshop. :) 

****It has brought to my attention I should state that not ALL pagan groups practice this, but many do! My bad everyone! <3

Other pieces in this series: 

Pagan Holiday 2: Mabon by LadyEruPagan Holiday 1: Beltane by LadyEruPagan Holiday 4: Yule by LadyEru
MORE PICTURES OF DAEMRE <3 Wild Dancing Irish Man - Jacksepticeye GIF 

Am I Beautiful Now? by LadyEruThe Madman by LadyEruDaemre by LadyEru
Image size
2400x3209px 7.11 MB
Shutter Speed
1/30 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 18, 2015, 8:57:13 AM
© 2015 - 2025 LadyEru
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