Am I Beautiful Now?LadyEru on DeviantArt

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Am I Beautiful Now?



Daemre, from Tales of the Fatherless. 

Alternate title was "I am not ashamed." 

Daemre is the main antagonist in my book series. This particular painting is representative of a time in his past that isn't directly written, but may be mentioned at some point. He had a rough childhood as the prince of a tyrannical kingdom and the son of tyrannical parents. By the time he reached the age where he should have become a man, he still looked young, and was small, and bore tons of burn scars because of (insert spoilery reasons here). 

Condemned and ignored because he was not perfect, Daemre decided enough was enough, and his dark mind turned darker, and he began to study blood magic. He would be beautiful, no matter what the cost. He would win back the affection and attention from his parents and the rest of his kingdom...well, maybe not affection. Fear, or respect, or worship would be more like it. 

So I guess the title of the piece is his question to you guys ;)

Also, he succeeded in becoming the rest I guess you'll have to read about. :D

Hope you like it! 

More pics of Daemre:

Reference used (because I have a lot to learn when it comes to shirtless anatomy...
and :iconredheadstock: 's arcane circle brushes. 
Image size
2440x2250px 3.62 MB
© 2014 - 2025 LadyEru
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Wyzzel's avatar
Awesome pose an very well drawn anatomy and blood markers!