Terk Character SheetLadyDeliz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ladydeliz/art/Terk-Character-Sheet-688248825LadyDeliz

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Terk Character Sheet



UPDATED 6/18/18

From this moment forward "Terk" is no longer my AQW fan character... he is now my Original Character, inspired by AQW. He and my AQW dude, as far as copyright is concerned, are now two separate entities.

Congratulations on your promotion, buddy! My already-established OCs are going to be angry.

I redesigned and re-colored everything, using my own colors and art. (I only traced that one head so I could get a feel for the shape of his face- a rounded head and small, sharp chin. I will not be tracing anything else.) This overrides all my previous Terk canon (like the comics and that Roommates meme I filled out.)

But why do all this?

I'm giving him his own comic.

*pelted with fruit*

Also I highly doubt that sword will be showing up much because IT WAS SO HARD TO DRAW

My AdventureQuest Worlds Character

My OC's
My Comic

OC and artwork (c) LadyDeliz, inspired by the amazing Artix Entertainment.
Image size
800x1000px 271.88 KB
© 2017 - 2024 LadyDeliz
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Cool30's avatar
Loving that sword dude!