Death in the Family

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Lady-Tigress's avatar
For those that don't follow my Facebook, I regret to inform you that my father passed last night. He had several strokes on the rear of his brain last week. The doctors at Wake Med did everything they could for him, but it was all but a foregone conclusion. His wife, Anne, made the decision to disconnect his life support yesterday afternoon and he passed right as my brother and I were pulling into the hospital. We have made our peace, thanked Anne for the 12 years she was with him, and are doing okay, all things considered.

We are still coming to Animazement, but we may have to duck out periodically for reflection and a cry. Until June 1, Kat's Play will be closed for business and I will not take any new commissions until after that date. Thank you all for your understanding, condolences and support.
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TheBeastInBeauty's avatar
*hug* Really sorry to hear that Kat, I will be thinking about you.