
Utopia 7

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"Sahara, please be careful..." Captain asked, almost reaching out to grab his new charge, but hesitated as he watched her expertly climb up on the picker-mech. Well, it was perfectly reasonable now that he thought about it, as Sahara had lived her life around the mantis like Pickers.

"Don't worry Captain!" The girl called down, balancing on the bucket's edge with arms out, it was as wide as her foot, and then rolled over the edge and inside. Her voice drifted back up, "Frankie said he has something jammed in the trays... looks like a stick. Oh you poor thing, hang on... there!"

The Picker closed his eye like optics, the shutters closing with a happy trill before chirping it's thanks to the human. The mecha turned its head around to peer back into his bucket, and after a moment Sahara popped back into sight, a peach in her teeth as she hopped out. Captain reflexively stepped forward, about to let his booster come to life, but he sighed in relief as the Picket caught the girl with three of its grasping arms and lowered Sahara safely down into the Gundam's waiting hands.

Captain wrapped the girl in his own arms, feeling the pulsing of his core pick up and thrum in his supports as his charge was set down and double checked to be absolutely sure she was fine. The imprinting was still so new that he couldn't help the actions. "Are you done now?" The taller mech asked with a softly amused tone.

"Yes, see you later Frankie!" Sahara turned and called up to the Picker, who warbled and waved several of its arms at the two as they left deeper into the Orchard.

"Where was it your friends said they saw this strange mech?" The Gundam asked, unbothered that the girl kept holding his hand off and on.

"Its on the north eastern quarter edge of the Orchard," Sahara said promptly, pointing ahead around her peach, "But they said they saw him by one of the golden apple clusters, where the nursery takes the kids to play hide and seek." The girl lowered her hand, taking another bite out of her peach. "Captain?"

"Yes Sahara?" The mech asked, glancing down, though his scanners remained out, Captain paused at seeing his charge frowning.

"Do you think its one of those, ah, Zaku mechs?" Sahara worried aloud, looking around at the seemingly age-old trees of her family's orchard, they were passing a walnut grove at the moment.

"It doesn't sound like it," Captain said honestly, making the human look up at him, he saw no reason to lie to her. "More than just Zakus have made it to Utopia, though admittedly, it's Musha Gundams that make it here more than any of the others. From the sounds of the descriptions, I think it might be a Lacoran mech."

"Lacoran... That's the Lacora world," Sahara partly asked, considering her modern history courses, "No one has come to Utopia from Lacora for a few decades have they?"

"About ninety eight years since the last person came through the planetary teleportation system." Captain clarified, tilting his head slightly as he connected with the planetary network to reference the data. "It was a human, though she didn't stay long, I think she made it to Mirisha thanks to the Beta Gundams."

"That's the other Musha Gundam world?" Sahara half asked and got a nod of assurance, finishing her peach and tossing the pit out into the forest, hopping up onto a small stone platform, and then on a long, sun warmed metal bar half inset into the edge. It was one of the foundations of a smaller barn for the pickers later in the harvest seasons. Though for right now it was only the foundation as the spring harvest was done. Sahara repressed a shiver of memory as she made herself extend her arms out to help with balance, bare feet on the concrete, and the girl was trying not to think of finding the swaths of petrified plantlife. "Have you met many Musha Gundams? Or Lacoran Gundams?"

"I've met a few," Captain nodded, watching the girl with a mix of affection and fascination brought on from the Imprinting process. Spending all his free and semi-duty time with Sahara, he was learning about the twelve year old, more than just being imprinted. He reached up and caught one of her hands as she wavered and started to flail, letting Sahara balance, "It was a long time ago though. And longer before the time I had to stay in stasis until Medic One had the right tools to heal me. But most Musha are good mechs, I remember hearing about Lacora's Knight Gundams from some of them."

"Have you met the Knights?" Sahara tilted her head, leaning on the supporting arm for a moment, her fingers half laced in between the thicker grey digits.

"Not personally," Captain shook his head, "Though one Lacoran mech had said he wanted to be one, I hope he did." The mostly white mech paused, not letting Sahara jump down from the foundation but grasped the girl around her sides and hips to lift the girl down to save her feet, he knew even with the accelerated healing they would still be tender.

"Thank you." The girl said with a happy sigh, smiling up at the taller Gundam.

The expression of hopeful trust Captain recognized in her features, had the mech humming softly back. It also made him determined to not let anything near his charge that would threaten her, or her innocents. He had lost so much before the emergency stasis, he realized things had seemed... dulled with only a few friends left. Now he had the start of a new family-

A crack and a yell just before someone tall, and made of living metal came crashing out of a tree ahead and to the left of them.

Reflexes kicked in as Captain summed an energy pistol out of subspace, lifting Sahara up and then pushing her behind him with his right hand. He was reacting as much to being startled as the girl's short scream, "Stay behind me Shute."

The blue and white mech pulled himself upright, wincing as he lifted a hand up. Pushing up the guard up and off from covering the upper half of his face. He winced, having a facemask in place but the strange style of his armor was a beacon to Captain. "Mana…that hurt..."

Teal eyes opened and looked up into darker sapphire, surprised to say the least. The Knight had not expected his mana to just... give out. Though in reality without proper rest for some time it would not be that surprising once Zero had some time to look back. He saw the utopian mech tense, not quiet a coil to attack but shifting to squarly keep himself between the blue mech and...and...

Zero blinked, the hand that had reflexively when to the large dagger at his side a moment before paused. His fingers going slack for a moment over hilt as he stared intently at the girl huddled behind the local mecha.

Captian paused, just as confused as the other two at this…strange situation. He, logically knew this was likely the Lacoran mech they were going to look for. Captian's systems informed him that it was likely the other mecha had been above the tree tops, it was the only way he could land that hard and leave that impression in to the ground. But why was his attention-

The Utopian mech turned partly, looking down at Sahara, his own blue optics widening.

Could Lacoran mechs even imprint?

–stage whisper-

I'm nooot deaaad…
© 2017 - 2025 Lady-Of-Ice-Chaos
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Tenkaiknightbravenca's avatar
I hope you updated soon! I really love your story!