Oh. Long time not writing. Really long time...
From holidays i watched a lot of movies, read a lot of books (Twilight!) etc.
But i don't want to write about it today.
Now, I'm quiet proud of myself. Or, to be honest, of my dA profile. 3000+ views, wow. Thank you - all crazy people who made this strange decision - see who is lady-fretten ^^;
And thanks for favs on my cats. [In fact my photos of cats, cos cats aren't mine] and, just, i'm happy. Oh, whatever. I will write something less stupid er... later.
Have a nice day, everyone ;]
~Johnny-Depp-Lovers (https://www.deviantart.com/johnny-depp-lovers) :iconPolska: :iconBurton-DeppLoverClub: :iconSweeney-Todd-Club: :iconwe-l