My Little Pony COLOR MElady-cybercat on DeviantArt

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lady-cybercat's avatar

My Little Pony COLOR ME



Yes you ARE right there's no water mark on this! Yes this is a gift to YOU! My friends and watchers.

Now here are the rules. Please do not abuse this, if the rules get broken I'll remove the art and won't do this again.


YES you may color this. YES you can add wings, horns, bows, cutie marks all that cool stuff.

NO do not turn it into something rated R. I'm serious, please respect the art. No hate / grotesque violence etc.

Can you sell prints / turn it into merchandise of it? Honestly I'd rather you didn't, BUT, if you reallllly want to you can, if you provide me with a royalty to do so. Contact me for further infos.

YES you can post it to DA and other Galleries IF: you don't remove my name, and it'd be really awesome if you posted back to the original line art here. I'd love to see what you do so please let me know with a note or comment!

Have fun and enjoy!!

PS : DOWNLOAD to get the full high res file.
Image size
3300x2550px 603.79 KB
© 2011 - 2025 lady-cybercat
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TishRyuuji's avatar
I used your lovely lineart for a reference sheet:

Thank you for letting us use your lineart