Lady-Casanova's avatar


Desdemona Casanova
3 Watchers22 Deviations
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Dear Romeo by Lady-Casanova, literature

  • Australia
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

Current Residence: Australia
Favourite genre of music: Pop/Alternative Rock
Skin of choice: [Insert something witty here]

Favourite Visual Artist
Botticelli, Da Vinci, Adam Brandejs
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Tokio Hotel, Maroon 5
Favourite Writers
Oscar Wilde, Lord Byron and William Blake
Tools of the Trade
Anything which will obey me (which really limits my choices...)
Other Interests
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Supernatural, Science, and more...


0 min read
Ok, after exams I am totally updating my profile! It's not nearly embarrassing enough (well, maybe it is...but not in the right way...)Yeah, exams=me going on to websites that I haven't visited in a while.(OH! And I've just watched my 100th episode of Naruto...beware of the picture I am thinking about posting to celebrate... *evil laugh*)
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0 min read
Ok, not much art related news, but here we go: -I started a major project. That was before Christmas. No progress has been made since. -Oil pastels are now my friend. -I watched a show of someone with oil paints and now believe I may be able to. The theory must be tested. -I use cotton tips to smear the oil pastels. I brought a pack of 500 and got 554. It was a great day, until I had to get them back into their container.Now, various other bits of text: -Two weeks of living of mostly junk food. I'm still only 43kg with a firm stomach. Damn you genetics! -I've been watching Sailor Moon again. The Japanese version is completely better than t...
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0 min read
I don't have much to write about in this journal entry. It's just that I haven't typed anything in such a long time. New obsessions come and go, and I seem to replace mine every few months. Unfortunately there is a huge amount to watch on television right now (and television obviously rules my life, just look in my gallery for proof). At least I got to make a fool of myself in front of my literature class and almost loose my glasses. Ignoring that (well, the literature class was fun), it was a decent day. I never have anything to complain about, anyway. I do plan to update my day.
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Profile Comments 17

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You've watched Arsene Lupin?! Awesome movie! Loff Loff Loff! What other French movies have you seen?!
Not too many, a few French comedies, including Amelie.
:heart: Amelie!!!!! Tais-Toi is a funny one if you like stoopid comedies! :P It has Gerard Depardieu in it (just like about 9873452 other french films :|)
thanks fer favin n3n
Do more bill art. Lol... Cute-ity
For more Bill art, I need less homework...or at least the coloured ink to work in my printer. That and more pictures *hint hint* :P
Damn... could you be any more obvious? Ha Ha... oh well. Maybe I'll print out some pics for you... I mean, I do have alot of time on my hands. I'm sick after all. :giggle: No way, I'll be back tomorrow and we can have lots of fantastic Bill conversation! And I might print some pics for you... If I get time!