I believe that the world is full of beauty and I enjoy capturing images that are full of color. In 2005, I took a drive by myself into the Cascades. Equipped with my first digital camera, I stopped and took pictures of whatever caught my eye. Since then, I have studied photography on my own, taken thousands of images, developed my style and invested in better equipment. My main passion is waterfall photography, but I can be found photographing everything from animals to architecture and even some studio work. I live in eastern Washington and many of my photos are from Washington and Oregon. The love of my life, Jack, and I do as much traveling as we can. Most of my photos are taken during our trips and many of our trips are now planned around what photos I’m wanting to take. What I enjoy most about photography is that it utilizes both the creative and technical parts of the brain and that there is a never-ending amount you can learn.
Current Residence: Washington...the state.
Favourite photographer: Ian Plant, Art Wolfe
Personal Quote: You can't leave footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt.
Oh, I would LOVE to do that!
It sounds fun, but I'm too scared.
Nope. No desire to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
Are you crazy?!?! Who does this kind of thing? You could die!!!!
I've done it before and it was awesome! (tell me about your experience, if you like)
I've done it before and it sucked. (tell me about your experience, if you like)
Other (please comment)
12 or younger
85 or older
Yes!!! Where have you been????
Sort of.....I guess so.....
Who are you again?!?!
Nope. Not watching you. You can't prove anything.
Hello, we are an international photography competition Best Photography Awards. Our team took notice of your photography and we would like to say that your works are really talented.
We would like to invite you to join us.
Visit our website to learn more and submit entry.
Hi there!
You have a nice collection of birds footage right there. Care to select your best photos in what birds of prey is concerned and submit them to our group on this thematic https://www.deviantart.com/arsrapax/ !
I reserve the right to decline some of them. As a general rule pls. keep a balance between different species so best photos for each species in relative equal number. I prefer birds in the wild footage than falconry or zoo. Bear in mind that submissision limit per day is 10 (set by dA).
Anyway, dont go too far above that if you do it on several days 😋
You should also join us if you like bird of prey art and photography!