Zeus Chronicles 1: Play? by JessicaMDouglas, journal
Zeus Chronicles 1: Play?
Hey guys. So I'm back from the convention and it was great fun! I'm working on a full con writeup for later, I have some big news to share with you all but not just yet. But I noticed something at the convention that I REALLY want to post about, since I think it's a case of 'We don't know what to do' going on.
EVERYONE noticed Zeus. It's hard not to, he's tiny and fluffy and has a stubby tail that wags a lot. He's charming as all get out, which makes it really hard for people when I say "Please don't pet him". They don't know what to do! Look at him with his perked ears and his bright eyes! You have to acknowledge him! Right? Wrong.
The num
Exploring Art 40: the anti-anti theft movement by JessicaMDouglas, journal
Exploring Art 40: the anti-anti theft movement
I just want to get my thoughts out here, so I'll ramble a bit about this subject. You know me, my thoughts roam when I type. Anyway. You guys see me talk all the time about recasting, art theft, and why all of that is wrong. But did you know there is an anti-anti art theft movement?
A few days ago someone linked me to a facebook page seeking to protect people from bullies/terrorists who come after the kids, husbands, mothers, wives of those who steal art. This isn't anything new guys, I see this all the time in the recast debate as well. My normal response is to say "Dude, stop taking away from the fact that you *stole work*." But as I read
Exploring Art 37: Does your muse have adhd? by JessicaMDouglas, journal
Exploring Art 37: Does your muse have adhd?
Hello friends. I am here to discuss a serious problem.
Adhd in Muses.
You see, this is something that rarely goes diagnosed, much less treated, but it is a situation we all know. You are there, working hard. Your muse is leaning over your shoulder offering words of encouragement, and then... suddenly..
There you sit, gazing in wide eyed startlement as your once refined, elegant inspiration flings
Exploring Art 36: Education by JessicaMDouglas, journal
Exploring Art 36: Education
Hey guys. I've been thinking about this a lot, but a recent post on tumblr has finally made me want to talk about it. It'll be a bit incoherant because I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this, but let's begin.
First off, being an artist is a fantastic thing, I think we can all agree on that. On top of just being badass, It's one of the few professions that you *do not* need to get a formal education and a piece of paper stating that you have a degree in order to be a success.
But I've noticed a trend lately that is starting to get very frustrating to watch. Guys... you do not need to put down other's education in order to make yourse
No one truly knows what the Crap Fairy looks like.
Some people say she is a withered old hag, angrily telling you about all the ways you have failed. Others say she is a beautiful woman, arrogantly pointing out that you simply are not good enough. The last known encounter with her kind revealed a twisted, mud colored and misshapen ghoul that vomited when it viewed the artist's work and swore you made it ill.
Regardless of what incarnation you view.. beware the Crap Fairy when you draw. For she is full of lies and doubt, and lives off of your insecurities and uncertainties. Every time an artist says "My work is crap" another Crap Fairy gets
Holy Recast Sh!tstorm, Batman! by Echoes-of-Elaris, journal
Holy Recast Sh!tstorm, Batman!
All of this Tumblr / DoA debate, confessional, forum nonsense about recasting. And people who are pro-recasting thinking they have rights. And that what they're doing is ok. And that they should be accepted for their decisions. And other general levels of special snowflake syndrome that really, really make me want to slam my head into a wall because, and how can I put this lightly...
My opinion on recasting is this:
If you don't see what is wrong about owning a recast, unfollow me right now and get the hell off my page.
If you own a recast, unfollow me right now and get the hell off my
CONTREFACON _ RECAST by AnasthasiaWorkshop, journal
Alors la nouvelle a été partagée par plusieurs personnes et sur plusieurs groupes, c'est quelque chose que je trouve naturel, lorsque quelque chose comme ceci arrive, d'informer le maximum de collectionneurs.
Le plus surprenant ça été de voir la vague de défendeurs du recast!
OUI! vous avez bien lu!
Même pas en rêve j'aurais cru qu'il pourrait avoir des collectionneurs à ce point immoraux! d'ailleurs il faudra leur trouver un autre nom que collectionneurs car ils ne le sont pas!
Qu'est qu'ils défendent? bien leur droit au recast, aussi simple que ça! les américaines soutiennent que dans leur pays il n'y a pas de loi contre, alors il suffi
Contrefacons de BJD against dolls recast by mewiefish, journal
Contrefacons de BJD against dolls recast
J'ai décidé de faire un post sur le recast car c'est un problème qui est assez inquiétant concernant la mentalité de certains collectionneurs de poupées.
Comme certaines personnes l'ont dit sur divers forums ou sites de partage de photos, il ne s'agit pas de jeter en place publique les gens qui achètent ces recasts et de s'acharner sur eux (même si, personnellement, des gens qui sont convaincus que c'est bien et qui achètent en tout état de cause, en en faisant la promotion autour d'eux et en encourageant les futurs acheteurs de faire comme eux, comme pour se donner bonne conscience, m'agacent sérieusement), mais surtout d'informer et éduque
Working on a new (secret) project. My back is killing me and I keep finding yarn in places yarn shouldn't be, but it's so satisfying, finding the energy to work again.
My life is currently a huge mess. Three members of my family are gravely sick and I'm doing my best to be there for them but that means little to no time for creation as when I'm not in the hospital or working at my day job, I'm just too exhausted to create anything worth a damn.
I also managed to antagonize most of my friends and the ones left are too busy dealing with their own issues to shoulder mine on top of that so it's not like I have much of a support network anymore.
I'm turning 26 in three days.
I'm not sure I can do this for 60 more years.
So yeah.
Actually I thought I had already added you on my watchlist a while back! But I noticed I hadn't seen anything you had done for a long time now and when I checked I realized I hadn't... So I'm just fixing that mistake