Jupiter's PetrificationL-exander909 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/l-exander909/art/Jupiter-s-Petrification-575668871L-exander909

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Jupiter's Petrification



EDIT : Wrong file, sorry!

"It was a teeth-clenching decision to deign herself into cooperating with another villain, but who knew working together would actually yield success, for once? She thought the plan would, as usual, fail in a dramatically ineffable way where the heroines will eventually triumph and defeat them, but there it is, a petrified Sailor Warrior, Sailor Jupiter!

It's a great trophy to keep, that's for sure. In the meantime, her fellow comrades have also reported great success on their part of the coordinated attack. Could this be the unfathomable outcome where the Sailor Warriors are finally defeated?"

Two requests done in a row... phew. I'm starting to get back in shape now, am I? Even then, I still have that one game I want to work on, so I will probably not be so active in doing requests. You may still send them in, but don't expect an immediate response.

At any rate, enjoy!


Photomanip is made by me using Photoshop. I do not own the stock images used for this work.

Character is Sailor Jupiter (Makoto Kino) from the Sailor Moon series. I do not own the character

No character was harmed during the making of this manip. (Unconfirmed Claim)
Image size
500x947px 227.73 KB
© 2015 - 2025 L-exander909
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Recent book series "Schooled in magic" has heroine who once spent some centuries petrified.