Hunting Journal 3.0

15 min read

Deviation Actions

Kysan's avatar
One for all my Tokota


75% Female
WF29 by TotemSpirit

50% Male
History Maker 27917 by TotemSpirit  ID 44517 by TotemSpirit  ID 37876 by TotemSpirit  ID 49638 by TotemSpirit  ID 50824 by TotemSpirit

50% Female
Altair 13735 by TotemSpirit Alrischa 14712 by TotemSpirit Kakashi Hatake 20678 by TotemSpirit  ID 40338 by TotemSpirit Monster Hunter 34970 by TotemSpirit

25% Male
ID 52786 by TotemSpirit Shikamaru Nara 21462 by TotemSpirit Blade of Marmora 32189 by TotemSpirit  ID 37322 by TotemSpirit Prompto Argentum 25055 by TotemSpirit

25% Female
Morbol  by Kysan Gladiolus Amicitia 23861 [Injured 6/14/18] by TotemSpirit Tidus 22986 by TotemSpirit  ID 47887 by TotemSpirit ID 47964 by TotemSpirit

Polarstern 30651 by TotemSpirit ID 50953 by TotemSpirit

Shiro  by Kysan  ID 54358 by TotemSpirit ID 39341 by TotemSpirit


Longmane & Barbary
Shilo 27035 by TotemSpirit  ID 52583 by TotemSpirit Toni 18108 by TotemSpirit  ID 50969 by TotemSpirit ID 52582 by TotemSpirit

Phantom Pain 33949 by TotemSpirit Yuuri Katsuki 23920 by TotemSpirit


© 2016 - 2025 Kysan
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ShiningWinteradopts's avatar

Diving 5 August 2024 (by jumperlady - 1083996262)
One last Dance 49638  had a successful diving trip! They encountered a snail, got swept away  out of sight, and afterwards, took refuge on a sandbank. They brought  back 2 items:
Jar of Dirt -- Sand Dollar