Pinkie the Anti-SocialKYMSnowman on DeviantArt

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Pinkie the Anti-Social



And for my third Polar Opposite Pony, here's Pinkie Pie.

If you haven't seen my two other quick sketches, I'm creating a series of images that portray each pony as humans and with polar opposite versions of their personalities. This time, I've drawn the quite literal party-animal, Pinkie, as a computer user. I mean, we gotta be honest, fellas. Who can be more anti-social than us internet surfers?

Now, I obviously can't draw the happy-go-lucky version of Pinkie Pie if I'm to draw her exact opposite. So instead, I chose to draw the Pinkamena Diane Pie counterpart (I used the darker color scheme and all).

That's about all I can say about this piece really. It's not that special.

Enjoy the art anyways!
Image size
500x550px 233.22 KB
© 2011 - 2025 KYMSnowman
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RainbowYoshi305's avatar
Literally me right there!:iconimsotiredplz: