kyesos's avatar


Image Creative
130 Watchers914 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (7)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (1)
Hype: You got hyped up! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (55)
My Bio
French Digital Artist performing in many medias stuff but images. Illustrator, designer and now mainly photographer... dancing on the path of creativity just in a goal : create & share pictures.
You can show your support by buying some image products through official website, or just go for an exploration through the complete available collections. It's just this way :

Current Residence: somewhere on the 1st floor in French Alps if you know
Favourite genre of music: Electronica/DDP/Goth/EBM
Favourite photographer: Anton Corbijn
Favourite style of art: Discreet realistic synthetic images
Operating System: Win 7
MP3 player of choice: my All-Anywhere G.Note
Favourite weapons : pens, digital cameras, graphic software, tablet and long nights...

Favourite Visual Artist
my cat...
Favourite Movies
Old Boy / Fight Club / Aashi & Ssipak / High Fidelity / Eraserhead / Idiocracy
Favourite TV Shows
actually Breaking Bad
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Too many... but NIN 1st !!!
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Rez, Katamari, SSX, JSRF & any SHMUP
Favourite Gaming Platform
Anything with a pad or mouse hangin'
Tools of the Trade
No sponsors, no names! 2D/3D software, graphic tablet, digicams & a 15 years home made imagebank
Other Interests
Differences makes Importances

Some news...

0 min read
Quite a gap seing last message. Good excuses ? Many you wouldn't like to hear but are true including "I'm dead for the 8th time". So this is my last life. Enjoy sharing some parts with me. You are totally right if you feel like there have been no handmade works posted since 2007. And you're definitly not wrong if you think I've been low on photo production since 2017. And I won't wait 2027 to explain you this game will end soon or later. 2007 is a break in my timeline and I made all wrong choices. Including create thing when you are completly fucked up. That's what we may call Rock'n Roll Legend and it's clear bullshit. The Rock is what you bring. The And is meaning End. And Roll is all that will do your body after being more idiot than usual. 2017 is quite different still I was in opportunity to change things... and crash like a bird in a building glass. What followed is complicated things including serious health NDE and that's why I'm telling you I'm on my last cat life. Biggest
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As I previously told, I'm starting to fill my galleries with stock material. Patterns, landscapes, objects and neutral shots that did or didn't found use I would like to share now. The task is quite impressive : 140.000 pictures to sort, prepare, upload, tag and setup here on DA... this will take a serious amount of time. I'll try to keep updates on a week basis. The pictures : Many of them are quite old. This means full resolution can sometimes be limited. Please note that you can upscale those pictures to a factor of 4 keeping them usable. Going for bigger size may reveal serious limitations ; just contact me to ask if I don't have any bi
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There's something BIG coming up soon ! Have you got an advice ?...
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Profile Comments 60

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Many thanks for the :+devwatch:!
Pas mal pour un grenoblois !
Thank you for the fav.
J'suis tombé sur ton compte sur #Europe. ^^ Je me demandais d'où tu es, mais je vois dans un comm que t'es de Gre... Cocasse : je suis des Abrets. ^^

Donc Salut collègue ! ^^
Oui, salut colègue. Ca fait un peu bizarre de répondre ça (surtout à cette heure ou l'on a un peu tendance à se laisser parti un peu ailleurs, hum...). Rudel chat' Europe ; comment ne pas s'y faire chier lorsque l'on est pas au moins n binome ? Encore un truc que je ne comprendrais pas, sale auto-didacte que je suis.
Mais la conversation me plait, so keep going on...