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Event 7: A Timely Letter (Past)



When Alex was handed a paper, he sighs a little frustrated about what’s going on and being in a different time doesn't help him feel better either. (This is freaking stupid!) Said Alex. (Why are we writing letters to our partner’s, why don't we get what the retarded onion fairy needs so we can leave. )Mumbles the annoyed poochyena.) (Shut it you mutt! Said an old green Kecleon holding a staff. (What if this here onion o’ yers calls it quits before we can give her the juice she needs, all anyone’s gonna have is these here letters. So go on write something and make it count.) Said the Green Kecleon as he turns and starts to walk up to the guild leaders. Alex annoyed with his answer went outside and sat near a log that was a little close to the fire place. Alex then looks down at the sheet of paper and felt himself tearing up. He missed being around Maxwell even though he's a party pooper at times. He's the only family he knows since leaving he's father's pack and now the thought of him not getting to be together with Maxwell upsets him. Alex then tries to stop himself from tearing up some more. (Guess I should come up with something before they decide to close that box.) Alex looks at the sheet of paper and remembers that he's a sloppy writer, so Maxwell won't be able to read his writing well even if he tried. (Dammit! This sucks, I should've taken those dam writing lesson when I had the chance.) Alex a little dumbstruck looks around. (Maybe I can ask someone to help me with this.)

And this is how it's begins. I already have some of the past story written down so I mostly have to draw them out. The present might take me some time but I been having some free time lately so I can at lest write some things out. ^^;

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Narunar's avatar
this event gives me so many sad feels :C