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A Song from the Soul



The snow sparkles around my paws in the bright summer sunlight, never melting until I've gone on, standing in a new patch of the icy powder. The stormy clouds roll along after me in an eternal chase, fighting away the sunlight. Every time a patch of cheering sunlight finds my thick fur a new dark cloud springs up violently to block the light. I'm in eternal darkness.
I can't escape, you're not here to rescue me any more. You are the sunlight... to say you were the sunlight just sounds wrong. You still light the world for me, even if it is only memories now. Sitting now, I watch one of the glorious gold butterflies of the summer flutter about, curious about the snow that travels beneath me, but never coming close enough.

The summer warmth can't find me now, only the ice that creeps from the shattered remnants of my heart and the storms that my sorrow calls forth.

I've had this idea in my head for a while now and then ~silverwolverine posted that she was holding a contest where an OC shows an elemental connection and it was the perfect opportunity :XD: Nzi is sitting in a patch of snow beneath storm clouds on what should be a hot summer day.

Nzi, art~ *KwehCat
Wolf ref found on Google

I wish I had a scanner.
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1908x2670px 7.49 MB
© 2010 - 2024 KwehCat
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twilightluver4794's avatar
That's really good actually!! :) Love the way it was drawn and story base kept you going... Very wonderful. I loved it! :)